Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We left Ashton on Friday night with our friend.  It was the first time we had left him with anyone other than my parents and the third time we had ever left him to go anywhere.  We went to a dinner function with work.  I totally trust him in caring for Ashton, especially since he has a daughter not much older than him.  Of course I keep my cell phone on vibrate and then when I see a missed call, I panic.  Funny thing is that he was just calling to let me know that Ashton was in bed (about an hour after we left) and I was shocked.  Ashton is stuck in a bedtime routine, or so I thought...it's possible that I am the one who needs to stick to this routine and this is why I always like to be home by 7pm every night. 
On Saturday, we celebrated the life of the mother of a close friend who was also a dear friend and a beautiful person that I had known since I was in kindergarten.  It was a beautiful service.  We left Ashton with my parents for the service and then Jesse retrieved him for the reception.  In an hour and a half, he consumed 10 oz of pumped breastmilk.  He drank 5 and then when Jesse came, demanded the other 5.  The following day, he fed 7 times in 7 hours.  Last night, he actually woke up three times to feed.  For the last 3 weeks he has slept 12+ hours a night and I had been talking about it.  My little guy is growing so fast!
Funny that last night, we went to bed around 11.  Ashton went down around 7ish, woke up at 10 to feed (before we had gone to bed), and then at 1:30 and 6.  I was sitting in his room, feeding him and thinking "oooh, I'm so sleepy" and then thought of what those people with the babies who never sleep are going through.  It makes me grateful for little Ashton and afraid to add baby #2 a couple years down the road.  One can be lucky enough to have a well-behaved baby, but can anyone ever be lucky enough to have 2?

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