Thursday, October 7, 2010

Real food

Blogging twice in one day? Practically unheard of.
I have had food on my mind lately. Not because I am pregnant, although the baby has dropped and my stomach holds so much more now.
When Ashton first started eating solids, he would pretty much eat anything. Yup, up until 16 or so months (around the time he weaned himself) everything was fair game. Salmon, chicken, pork, turkey, not so much beef though. Any sort of bread product. Any non-green vegetable which included mostly root veggies (potato, sweet potato, yam, turnip, carrot), cauliflower, all fruits (except green ones). Nowadays he hates salmon, sometimes will reject chicken (not always), hates turnips, carrots and white potatoes (but if you cook them as oven fries, they are fine), still hates all green fruits and veggies (ie: kiwis, broccoli). I feel that we are sort of stuck in a rut for meals.
Breakfast: Unsweetened applesauce of some sort. If this isn't part of it, there is mutiny. Often we also do pancakes. I like to make them, freeze them and pop them in the toaster in the morning. We've bought the Eggo ones for days that homemade isn't there. Sometimes I make muffins and we do muffins. We've tried other things. Sometimes if it isn't a pancake, we get a scream and smash. Eggs are a no-go (except at dinner...odd?).
Lunch: We used to do sandwiches...bread, cheese, deli meat. Fruit for dessert and some yogurt. And then I decided that deli meat is nasty. So I discovered pork roast (again, beef roast wouldn't fly). It's so easy because you just cook it for a couple hours and then take it out and slice it in to deli-meat thickness. And it's a huge hit. So we like to mix up the food groups. Always cheese though as he won't drink milk. Sometimes crackers, pita, naan bread for the grains. He loves peanuts and those Ritz peanut butter cracker things so I figured that peanut butter would be a good option. I made a "pizza" using naan bread spread with peanut butter with some sliced up banana on top. He loves banana and he loves naan bread so he'd love this right? Nope...he slammed it and screamed and looked appalled.
Dinner: We try to give him stuff we eat. Biggest hits are a hash brown casserole and oddly a beef taco rice casserole that is slightly spicy. If we have a chili or tomato based thing or any other pasta that isn't macaroni, he's like "forget it".

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