Thursday, October 30, 2008

The monster mash

The monster mash; that's what I say the little guy is doing inside me and has been for months now. He's been a very active little monster. Tomorrow is Halloween, which is my favourite holiday of the year. I love to dress up, watch scary movies, consume candy, give out candy and generally do Halloweeny stuff (though we all know my obsession is not limited to one day only). I haven't organized a costume for this year. With a baby due a week after Halloween, I figured if I put any effort at all into making a costume then he would just arrive early. But if I didn't, then he would be late. So the monster isn't here yet and I have no costume. However, I'm not sure where I would wear this costume anyway. Nobody trick-or-treats at my house as I live on a busy road with no sidewalk in front of the house. Anyway, I had thought of being a pregnant nun, deviating from my traditional witch or demon ensemble. The trade off of minimizing Halloween is that I will be able to celebrate Halloween bigger and better with my son in the coming years!


Grace said...

Darcy is looking at you as if you had cauliflowers growing out of your head. "What the heck Mom. What happened to your eyes and head?"
Oh, Tracey suggested hot peppers or a good scare to get the kid to give up his cozy space.

Lisa said...

I had spicy food and also I went to the haunted house. Neither worked. This one is a stubborn one.