Thursday, January 20, 2011


I have an addiction. It's been ongoing for as long as I can remember. As a teenager, I took 4 sugars and 2 milk and now I'm down to 1.5 sugars and a generous helping of milk, cream, eggnog, soy creamer, flavoured creamer or (on holiday mornings) Baileys. When I was pregnant with Ashton, I cut down my Timmy's to a medium at first. Then I couldn't stand the smell of coffee so I started drinking those French Vanillas and English Toffees from Tim Horton's. With Camryn, I loved coffee. I started drinking half-decaf.
Ashton spent much of his early life going through drive through with me. His first word? "Double Double". Sometimes, he would scream it at the girl at the window who gave me my coffee. Now, he easily recognizes the Tim Horton's logo. He will be going about his business playing with his toys while Jesse is watching a hockey game and as he turns to get something, he sees a Tim Horton's logo on the boards at the hockey game and stops to point and say, "double double!". He pretends to drink coffee out of reusable cups and says "mmm...double double".
I do make coffee at home all the time so I'm not one of those complete Timmy's junkies that go there every single day. Every time I have coffee, Ashton needs to come and smell it. He inhales deeply and says "mmmmm". If I accidentally leave an empty cup out, I almost always catch him drinking the last remaining drips. He turns to me and says, "yummy".
Camryn has a different view on coffee. Every time I have one at home, she cries. My morning routine is to get Ashton up and dressed and eat breakfast with him (where I have my coffee). Camryn is a big fan of sleeping so she usually sleeps till just after. If I have my coffee, she wakes up that instant in a rage. If I don't, she stays sleeping. I have tried many different tactics to test my theory that my daughter hates me drinking coffee:
1) Getting up at 6:30 or 7am (seeing as my kids sleep till 9 most of the time). Nope, she wakes up.
2) Sometimes Camryn gets up at 7 to nurse. She always goes back to sleep afterwards. Except if I put her back in her crib and go make coffee.
3) Waiting till after Camryn wakes up, nursing her, putting her in the swing or bouncer and making coffee. Nope.
4) On Jesse's days off, letting her hang out with him. WAHHHHHHH.
As I am typing this, I have a cup of coffee in front of me (hazelnut, brewed at home with some soy creamer). Camryn is in her swing. She is groaning, which is her warm-up.

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